Friday, May 1, 2009

Final Reflection......For English Class.

I have really enjoyed writing in this calss this semester and yet I still dont think that writing everyday will neccessarily push all the good out of a person. I don't think it works like that. I think that every person does what he or she wants to do in a way and that truely good writing must oome in a sorrt of A-HAA moment when inspiration strikes. I want to believe that I am better for simply practicing the moves so that when the times does come and inspiration strikes me between the eyes, i wont be halted by the need to hit backspace on the keyboard. I am full of so much thought on a day to day basis because I am so introspective and I hope that i was able to release those thoughts floating around without running into a wall every other minute or so.
I wish I would have participated in your Blue Plate Monday's Mrs. Anthony. Ms. Kim Wells has found it so interesting and she is my friend. I reflect on this because sometimes I think I get myself into the habit of doing what comes easiest instead of challenging myself to try something, out of the ordinary. Thanks, for the opprotunity to be in your class this semester, for the most part it has been a pleasure.