Monday, October 26, 2009

It would be a lie if I said I never think of death.
I think about her daily almost more than life itself.
I wonder where I might go, if anywhere at all.
Do we rot beneath the ground or do we simply fall?
Fall forever into nothingness, like a bottomless pit.
In absolute darkness, inside a firey abyss.
Do we instead rise above the clouds, and the stars and everything we know?
Rise to be reunited with those we love or are we still alone.

It would be a lie, if I said I never think of love
I think about her daily almost more than life itself.
I wonder can my heart contain her, or is she just a myth.
I muse, will I ever find her, is she lost beyond the mist.
Is she a prize that I must win, or something only given as a gift.
And if I ever found her, could I keep her for myself?
or his she forbidden treasure something only found in death.

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