Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I can’t remember if I have written anything concerning this or not but even if I have your going to hear it again. I was reading in the bible about this guy who had cut off the thumbs and big toes of seventy kings and forced them to pick up scraps under his table. On one particular day he and his troops went out conquering and fighting and the lord made it so that all his men were decimated in battle and so he fled. When his enemies found him they cut off his thumbs and big toes and he declared, "The lord has repaid me for what I have done." Later in the same book I read about a different man who made it his mission to kill a certain king. He made a short sword and hid it by strapping it to his thigh, then when the time was right he ran the blade into the king’s abdomen so deep that the handle could not be seen. He was able to sneak past armed guards and out of town before anyone knew what he had done. Only when people did find out about it they pursued him with hundreds of men but he had made it into another city. His friend was willing to hide him in his home and offered the killer something to drink and somewhere to lay his weary head. However the friend’s wife found out the man was a guest in their home and crept up on him in his sleep and drove a tent spike through his temple, and he died. I have been having trouble making all the stories relate in my studies. I mean I get the fact that you reap what you sow but the other tales are just war stories to me and I can’t figure out their significance spiritually.

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