Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sometimes I would rather not do so much talking but instead I choose to listen to others. I watch what people are saying to one another and I try to take notice of when those I am friends with are going through. A friend of mine was having relationship problems recently and I did my best to listen to him and try and provide some advice for him. He told me that his girlfriend didn’t seem to be that in to him, or at least as into him as she had been previously. While I listened to him I had to bite my tongue in order to keep myself from spewing something unnecessary or out of some emotional need. I wanted to tell him about what I thought for a while and I didn’t want him to take my personal view points too seriously because I know that I could be wrong. I just listened for a while and then he finally asked me my opinion without holding back to spare any feelings. So I told him what I thought but things were still a bit censored because people say they want to hear the whole truth without the sugar coating but that’s not what they honestly want. I think they want to hold their hand while they talk themselves out of their own troubles or just be told what they want to hear in other words than the ones playing in their own head.

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