Monday, April 13, 2009

I wanted this school year to be more productive in light of the fact that I did almost six months of jail time last year and I spent another month trying to appease the probation board so that I can try to love a normal life again. You might be asking yourself, what is normal, and I tell you I don’t know. All I know is that my life a year ago was far from what I wanted it to be. I sat in a jail cell for months hoping and praying to someone I didn’t know that I didn’t wind up in a Missouri prison.
In 2005 I was out doing no good with some people whom I guess you could consider friends and I got into some trouble. My buddy’s dad was living with us at the time and I was smoking a little pot with him. He had just been released from the hospital after successful hydra cell surgery and was in a lot of pain. For those of you who don’t know what that are it’s when the doctors take one of your testicles out to operate on it and then they put it back in basically. Like I said, he was in extreme pain and I was just kind of hanging out with him getting high and watching television, wasting time. We were expecting company and he just let a few people out a few minutes prior to our intrusion so when we heard the knock on the door we just assumed that our guest had returned. When the door swung open all I could see was the bright lights from the police flashlights and the distinct look of gunmetal. I tried not to panic but when you’ve got warrants out for your arrest, it is difficult to stay calm when the law starts beating down your door.
Now you should be informed that while I was watching television with the old man and prior to the cops showing up he had gave me a couple of his prescription pain killers to give to my girlfriend until she got the cash to refill her own prescription. (She used to pass kidney stones once or twice a year and would be in terrible pain.) So when the police showed up I was smoking pot and scrambling around trying to get rid of any visible evidence of paraphernalia. I had completely forgotten about the pills I had stuffed inside my jeans and to make a long story a shorter one I wound up getting arrested for possession of a controlled substance that day.
That sort of lifestyle used to be normal for me and now I couldn’t see myself drinking a beer with friends in any sort of social setting. I used to work dead end jobs and now I am a full time student and this as become normal for me all of a sudden.


  1. Well I am proud of you. You know I've been there too, in those days of doing things we shouldn't and I know now, that it takes time. People can change, and from what I know, I think you're doing an amazing job. Just be patient, it can't all come at the same time.

  2. Phillip, I know I don't know you but from your posts you seem to be getting it all together. Hang in there and keep trudging along. "Do not cast away you confidence for it will be richly rewarded. (Hebrews 10:35) Before your dreams come to pass, you've got to look through your eyes of faith and see them coming to pass.

  3. Phillip - I hope you continue to blog. This is a record of the man you want to be and the man I see you becoming while in college. Keep writing and keep working on your goals. Don't become distracted. ~Ms. A
