Monday, March 23, 2009


It has been said that a good man draws a circle around himself and his immediate friends and family and protects those inside. A better man draws a slightly larger circle, and a great man encircles his entire community at large and does everything to see to it that those within have the fullest life possible. It has been asked, “What kind of man are you”!
I want to be the kind of man who has no circle to draw but that does whatever good is necessary for those I can, freeing myself from the burden of hoisting every other persons pain up onto my shoulders, lest I fall. Without me knowing it many are watching what I do and how I respond to the trauma of life, and whether or not it is right they judge my actions. They judge because deep inside of them they want to bear witness to great men, even though many of them are to cowardice to accept the weight of greatness. I think there are many who would be willing but they allow circumstances to get in their way and others simply don’t want to be brought to shame. As far as my knowledge will go there has been but one man good enough to lift up the weight of the world and bear it unto death, and that man was Jesus the Christ. There have been others who claim to be good but the bible says that no one is good except God.
On the other end of the spectrum there are many evil people. Men like Adolph Hitler, whose minds are warped outside of human reality and men like Osama Bin Laden who have little regard for human life. Our lives are something to be protected but at the cost of others and religion is something to be respected but not if it is to back someone into a corner and make them choose between life now and eternity with ones beliefs.
I am the kind of man whom matters very little outside of that invisible circle that has been drawn for me and I believe that if I were to die tonight I would be remembered for a miniscule amount of time. After a while people would fight all the mess in their heads to recover thought of little ole me. So how exactly does a man go from, “a nobody”, to “a somebody”, from forgotten in the depths of mother earth to, written about in the pages of history? How exactly does one transform their character into the pedigree of champions? How does one go about erasing that old circle, big enough for a house and a dog, and marking out one that stretches in all directions as far the eye can see?

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