Thursday, March 19, 2009

So there's this girl in my English class that is goofy and weird and a great person in all respects and she is my friend now and that is good. Then there is this other girl in my Psych class that is very sexy and at times I don't know what to say to her. She doesn't show up to class on time and we for the most part don't have anything in common but the possibilities of something happening with us is on the verge on all my thoughts every Tuesday and Thursday. I think she has the perfect set of eyes and her skin tone is extraordinary. I notice everything about her and that drives me crazy for at least an hour or two after class but I haven't really done anything about it because in the end I want the next relationship I enter into to have some meaning.It's not as if I think she's not my type physically but on other terms I think it would be a stretch to say that we would make a good couple. I know I probably don't have any guys reading my blog but if there are, have any of you ever known something like this. I don't normally stress about women. I quote the mundane saying there are many other fish in the sea, but I must admit that there aren't many fish as exquisite as she. She rides her own horses and she works out on a regular basis. If you were to rate her body on a scale of one to ten you would be forced to give her at least a ten.
On the other end of the scale she doesn't show up to class on time and is currently failing psych, a class I don't seem to ever budget into my time but am still making an A in. I don't take her for stupid but I do think it's dumb to pay for a class that nobody is forcing you to come to and not put forth as much effort as you can, I mean at least try. I can't say that these facts have derailed me from wishing I was her pillow.

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