Wednesday, March 11, 2009

in class

I walked into Robert’s office that morning to find it in shambles. File cabinets forced open and papers strewn about it such a way that my first thought was that there must have been a robbery. I asked my partner about his office and asked him why everything looked so cluttered and unorganized and he said simply, “ I have had an impossible weekend.” I didn’t really know what to say to Robert and somewhere while lost in thought I offered to help clean his large marbletop desks.
Tasha pried the engagement ring from her hand and hurled it at Jack.She was tired of being placed second and third on his list of priorities and it was time to follow her heart. As she retreated from their home Jack gave chase but stopped in mid stride when he saw the hotred flushed look on her face, that he had long ago learned, meant stay away from me.
Stinky Eye- 1. That look you get from another person that says you’ve violated some unspoken trust. 2. The look!
One thing I will never get used to is this Missouri weather. Yesterday it was 69 degrees and today it’s 3 below. I spent the whole morning getting dressed oblivious to the outside temperature and I dressed in shorts and I open my front door and am meet with wind and snow. Some times I wish I could simply handle the cold weather so I could enjoy the outside in the wintertime. I waould love to go sledding with my children one year but mostly I just stay inside by a warm fire. Icesickles outline the bumber of my car.
This is my one and only problem, Mrs. Esterhouse. She must have something against me. The fellas have been telling me that ever since like 1963 she’s been teaching at Normandy middle school. My dad said that she even taught when he was going to school there and she hasn’t changed at all. Still grumpy for no apparent reason and nobody has ever seen her smile. The last horribly difficult test she handed back graded said Gotcha in big bold letters at the top.

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