Friday, March 27, 2009

I have one of those prepaid phones and only like twenty cents left before I have to refill it. Normally nobody calls my phone anymore but this evening a dear old friend called me out the clear blue sky. Her name is kept secret to protect the innocent, I’ll call her Tory, we used to date in high school, and she was my first love.

Before tonight it had been almost eight years since I heard her voice and it just warmed my heart to know that somebody out there is thinking of me. I knew Tory before I ever knew what love was but we did care for one another in a way that most teenagers never take the time to investigate. She is the kindest, and most sincere person I have ever met and she holds a love for God in her deeper than I have ever been able to reach. I found her in the sea of Facebooker’s and Myspacer’s last year but I haven’t tried to get her number or call her because mostly all she ever talked about was her wedding plans.
However the other day she asked me for my phone number on the Internet and I gave it to her but I didn’t expect her to actually use it for some reason. When she called tonight she told me that I have been on her mind off and on through the years and that I was always very special to her. It is comforting to know that I didn’t actually kill every relationship I have ever been in and that somewhere this sweet woman still has a soft spot in her heart for me. She also told me that she wouldn’t be able to call me as often as she would like because she is a married woman now. I indicated that I understood but that I wouldn’t let our relationship become inappropriate because I respect her, I also told her that I have thought her fairly regularly since I left St. Louis. I told her that her calling me tonight makes me smile and I advised her not to be a stranger because at some point I want to catch up on old times even though we can’t talk all night on the phone like we used to. I didn’t have time to rattle off everything I wanted before my phone died and that is probably a good thing because I could have very well embarrassed myself over the telephone.
Sometimes when I’m bored on the computer I will flick back and forth through the picture albums of friends and given present condition, when I come across her pictures, I wonder what my life would be like if we had stayed together.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing wrong at all with feeling special in that instance, and there will always be that one person you can't stop thinking about for one reason or another:)
