Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I don't know freewrite

It's hard to admit but I am a double-minded man. Some days I wake up and I can be the most gentle person in the world. The most kind and humble man and generous to those whom I barley know. I can be full of words of encouragement and joy so that all who come in contact with me can feel, see, and know that I would never do them wrong.
Yet on ther days I am full of deciet and wickedness. I don't neccessarily mean to be so nasty sometimes, it's just that when I feel that I am right about a certain situation or vindicated in my actions I can stretch to the other extreme. I can one day tell someone how much I love them and the next be seen swearing about how stupid I think they are. Isn't that a little crazy, to have such strong feelins about a subject in one way or another and then feeling the complete opposite the next week.
I want to do good mostly and so if you were to ask me I would tell you that I am a decent man. I work hard not to quarrel with others and to be a gentleman when I feel that need. I don't like to take shortcuts when I do anything because I have learned that it often requires you to do more work than initially planned. I love to complete what I start and I do love the feeling you get when you give to someone. That feeling is likened to how you might feel when you make an infant smile or when you get the opprotunity to do something nice for your spouse. I love to give because I am immediatley rewarded and maybe that takes away from my point at hand. I am a good person but who am I trying to prove it to.I am a double minded man in that I am so introspective that I do truely know everything I need to do in order to attain what I what but sometimes I press on in a direction feeling like thier is no escape.Why?

1 comment:

  1. Are you a Gemini? lol, just kidding, I think we all have those days, no worries:)
